Dear Benefits Eligible EVSC Retiree or COBRA participant,
It is almost time for the annual Benefits Open Enrollment. This is your once a year opportunity to evaluate and make necessary changes to your insurance benefits.
This year everyone is required to complete enrollment.
The Open Enrollment period is Monday, October 23, 2023 – Friday, November 17, 2023.
All coverage elected during this period is effective 1/1/24.
Important Information for 2024
Paperwork will be sent to you by US mail. If you have moved in the past year and not provided EVSC with your new mailing address please email your current address to
[email protected] so your Open Enrollment information goes to the correct address. Please complete and return prior to November 17, 2023 if you intend to remain covered for 2024.
Medical Changes for 2024-No change in cost or coverage.
Dental Changes for 2024- No change in coverage but cost increased.
Vision Changes for 2024-No change in cost or coverage.
Other Important Information
- If you do not complete the paper enrollment process, you will not be covered for 2024.
2024 Benefit Summaries and Rx Information
Medical Plan Comparison
SBCs-COMING SOON (no change from 2023)
Health Sync 1
Health Sync 2
Health Sync 3
Health Sync 4
Dental Summary
Vision Summary
Prescription 4 Tiers (Searchable)
Anthem Provider Finder Instructions
Enrollment Process
See the enrollment form mailed to you for details on what actions you can take during open enrollment. If you have additional questions contact HR Generalist-Benefits at 812-435-8405 or 812-435-8410 or
[email protected].
If you are able and add a new dependent to your plans, you will need to fill out the Eligible Dependents section and submit eligibility documentation in order to add that dependent. This documentation includes copies of marriage certificate and social security card for a spouse and copies of birth certificate and social security card for a child. See the chart
here for more information.
This eligibility documentation and your completed EVSC 2024 Enrollment Form must be received in the Office of Human Resources by the close of the open enrollment period, Friday, November 17, 2023 at 4:00pm.
Mailing Address:
EVSC Administration Building
Attn: Insurance Coordinator
951 Walnut St
Evansville, IN 47713
[email protected]
Fax: 812-435-8505 Attn: Insurance
If you wish to remain covered for 2024 you will be required to complete and return the enrollment form.
Benefits Q&A
What benefits can I add or change during open enrollment?
• See your election form for details.
What if I do not want to make any changes to my benefits? Do I need to do anything?
Yes, you need to complete the enrollment form and return it by mail, email, or fax.
Can I make corrections to my insurance elections once I have submitted them?
•Yes, as long as it is during the Open Enrollment period.
Can I change my insurance benefit elections at any time?
• No, you may only make changes during Open Enrollment or if you have a Qualifying Change in Status and are eligible to make changes (limited cases only). Please note, you must notify the Human Resources Benefits Office of any changes within 30 days of the date of the event.
EVSC determines eligibility for qualifying life events and whether they are allowed or not dependent upon contract language. Please contact our office to inquire.
How do I find out if my doctors or hospital participate in the health insurance plan?
• You can access the health plans’ provider directories via the Anthem Medical website, Paramount HRI Dental at and VSP Vision at
Who should I call if I have specific questions regarding the benefit plans?
• You may contact the Human Resources Benefits Office at (812) 435-8405 or (812) 435-8410 or email at
[email protected].
Why do I need to provide EVSC with my social security number and the social security numbers of my spouse and children? Is there a reason why they need our social security numbers?
The Affordable Care Act, also known as health care reform, requires EVSC to collect the Social Security numbers of each person enrolled in our health plan - that includes your covered dependents. EVSC is required to provide the Health Coverage tax form 1095-B to you and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You will use information from the form to prepare your individual income tax return. The law required SSNs to be reported on form 1095-B.
If one of your dependents does not yet have a Social Security number, just go to and complete the form. Applying for a Social Security card is free.