Understanding Absences

We want to see your student in school, every day! However, we also know things happen, but it's important to know the difference between absences, including excused, unexcused and truant absences. Why is attendance so important? We know that students who attend school regularly earn better grades; build better relationships and friendships; stay interested and engaged in school; and have better overall school outcomes.  

Only the following reasons are EXCUSED:
  • Illness verified with a physician statement, including date and time of visit. The statement must be received within 2 weeks of the appointment or the absence will be marked as unexcused. 
  • Funeral/death in the family. 
  • Medical, dental and legal appointments. Statements must be received within 2 weeks or the absence will be marked as unexcused. 
  • Nurse sends the student home sick. (If due to a fever, the following day will be excused as well.)
  • Observation of a religious holiday. 
  • College visit (2 per year). 
  • Other reason acceptable to the building administrator or as permitted by law. 
An UNEXCUSED Absence is: 
  • Parent calls to report an absence but no official statements are provided (i.e. physicians statement, legal appointment statement, etc.). 
  • Parent decides to keep student at home. 
  • Vacation - out of town
  • Any absence not covered under the definition of excused absences. 
TRUANT absences are: 
  • When a parent or guardian does not contact the school when the student is absence. The total number of days truant are reported to the state of Indiana. 

All absences are monitored and disciplinary action may result. EVSCV may have a Pre-Court conference upon reaching 10 unexcused/truant absences where parents, students and the school create a plan to prevent additional absences.