Title I is a federal grant that provides supplemental funding to schools based on high socio-economic need. It provides all children the opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high quality education and to close educational achievement gaps. Schools that receive Title I funding benefit from additional teachers, support staff, materials, and resources to support learning.
Information on the Title I Complaint Procedure is on the link below.
Title I Complaint Procedure
DeKarla Y. Owens, Ed.D.
Director of Title I Support
Office phone: (812) 435-0911
Velinda Stubbs, Ph.D.
Director of Title 1 Related Grants
Office phone: (812) 435-0902
Helen Bullington, Grant Manager Title I/Title II
Office phone: (812) 435-0205
Rachel Wheeler
Title II, III, & IV Grant Specialist
Office phone: (812) 435-0204