EVSC BUS APPLICATION (For the 2024-2025 School Year)
If you would like to apply for bus transportation for this school year (2024-2025) and have not already applied, please see the information below and click on the button to submit your application. Please note: transportation is not guaranteed.
- This form is for general education bussing only and for students in kindergarten through grade 12 who live within their school district. (See below for PreK students, those students receiving special education services and those attending AIS or RAMP)
- Students will only be transported to and from their primary home address. (Students will be transported to one address only, not multiple addresses.) To update your address with the school, please contact your school, or if over the summer, call 812-435-8453.
- The application is mobile friendly, so you can complete the application on your phone, tablet or computer.
Additional Bus Transportation Information:
- Exceptional learners that have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that requires special transportation services do not need to complete the bus application. The Office of Special Education handles all IEP bussing.
- Parents or guardians with students that are McKinney-Vento (homeless/displaced) will need to contact Student Services at 812-435-8866 to request bus transportation.
- If you are a parent or guardian needing Pre-K bussing please contact the Office of Early Learning at 812-435-0944.
- Transportation requests for RAMP and for students attending AIS must be made through the school/program.