English Language Services in Middle and High School

ESLESLStudents in grades 6 - 12 who have not yet reached fluency in English may attend one of the district's International Newcomers' Academy (INA) programs.

INA McGary Middle School
INA Middle School is a daily program located at McGary Middle School. INA emphasizes instruction in academic vocabulary, basic language skills, reading and writing skills, and more. Students are transported from their home school to the INA each and return to their school.

INA Harrison High School
Students attend the INA program at Harrison High School daily, or every other day, based on English Proficiency Level. This INA program also emphasizes instruction in academic vocabulary, basic language skills, reading and writing skills, and more. Students enrolled in the INA still have the opportunity to earn high school credits toward graduation. Transportation is provided to and from the program, and academic tutors are provided as needed.

Middle School Grade Levels (6-8): Enroll at home school. Students will receive onsite, pull-out services, or they will be transported daily to INA Program at McGary Middle School.

ESL Teachers: Julia Coulter, Jennifer Huang, and Allison Roach
Beginning Group: Morning
Advanced Group: Afternoon

High School Grade Levels (9-12): Enroll at home school. Students will receive onsite, pull-out services, or they will be transported to INA Program at Harrison High School.

ESL Teachers: Skye Haas, Christina Johnson, Tricia Mintner, Jesse Ramsey, Jennifer Rupprecht, Emily Snodgrass and Milexy Valle
Beginning Group: Morning, Aternoon
Advanced Group: Morning, Afternoon

Call: 812-435-0912
Email: [email protected]