Meal payments using cash or check may be made at your child’s school. If paying by check, the check is to be made out to the school cafeteria. Your phone number must be on the check. Although not encouraged, charges are permitted on a very limited basis. Contact the EVSC Office of Food & Nutrition at 812-435-8258 should you have difficulty in making meal payments.
Paying for your child’s meals on-line is also a payment option through LINQ Connect. Click here to create an account that will allow you to make payments online, set up recurring payments, manage balances and more. You will need your child’s EVSC Student ID number. You can find your student's ID number on the Parent Portal app under "More" at the bottom, then "Tools."
Cafeteria Meal Charging Guidelines
Although we discourage meal charges, we do understand there are instances when a student may need assistance with meal funds. Click here for complete information regarding our meal charging guidelines.