The purpose of Title I:
Provide ALL children the opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high- quality education and close educational achievement gaps.
What is Title I and why do we have it?
Title I is a federal grant that provides supplemental funding to schools with higher poverty rates. Traditionally, poverty rates are determined by the percentage of students within a school who qualify for free or reduced lunch priced meals.
Title I Services provided:
Additional staff to provide social work services, academic support, small group instruction, professional development to improve the quality of teachers to meet the needs of students, as well as additional materials, supplies and resources to support learning.
Annual Parent Meeting:
Every year, building administrators in Title I schools are required to provide an annual parent meeting to inform families about Title I, what it means, and how this support will meet the needs of children. Resources are also shared and provided to families.
Title I schools must build the schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement through:
o Providing information to parents of what is available at their child’s school.
o Providing materials and training for parents and teachers.
o Educating educators in strong parental involvement practices.
o Ensuring strong Head Start, preschool coordination for successful transitions.
o Providing understandable communication for parents.
o Providing reasonable support to parents.
o Offering opportunities to provide input for the parent policy and compact.